When you think about luxury real estate, you probably think of sprawling, glass-encased estates in the Hollywood Hills, á la Million Dollar Listing or Selling Sunset. You think of designer-laden agents flitting around open houses with champagne in-hand while schmoozing the ultra-wealthy. This is, of course, not always the case.
Living with an abundance mentality instead of a scarcity mentality helps us accomplish what matters to us. We can develop an abundance mentality by being purposeful.
Every agent is different and will weigh what brokerages offer differently. No matter what you as an agent are looking for or whether you’re consulting with an agent to help them, here are some things of importance when considering brokerages.
The challenge for all businesses is they must explain and demonstrate the value they give so well that people agree to their price before they experience it.
How do you identify people who are ready to do business today and those who may need some extra attention before they’re ready to commit? That’s where LPMAMA has your back.
Your value proposition explains the unique benefits a customer gets from choosing to work with a particular brand, vendor, or in your case, real estate agent. It’s what drives clients to work with you over any of your competitors.
The NAR settlement has brought widespread uncertainty about how agents will operate under the new rules. The truth is, we won’t be able to answer these questions for another few months. Now is the time to wait out the storm.
In real estate sales, you can use the "FORD” conversation framework to build a reliable and loyal customer base. Taking the time to learn a bit more about what drives your client might give you the information you need to serve them more effectively and show them you care.
Whether you’re a rookie real estate agent or a veteran in the business, consistently learning and continuing your education should be a top priority if you want to build a successful career and a fulfilling life.
A Big Why powers your daily routine. It motivates you to do the activities and hard work that lead to results. A Big Why gives you purpose, a mission, or a need that in turn gives you focus.