Revamp Your Online Presence
Most real estate agents use the internet to boost their business. Whether they’re marketing their brand via a website or prospecting for leads through DMs on their social media channels, a strong online presence can attract clients and build a sales pipeline.
Enhance Your Spiritual Life by Giving
When our spiritual lives feel fulfilled, it influences over how we tackle the problems within the other areas of our life. That’s because our spiritual lives are tied to way we think and perceive the world. Spiritual fulfillment can mean the difference between seeing a mistake as a steppingstone for a grand scheme or a mortal flaw — the difference between feeling powerless and taking accountability. -
Qualify Clients with LPMAMA, the Mother of All Conversation Frameworks
How do you identify people who are ready to do business today and those who may need some extra attention before they’re ready to commit? That’s where LPMAMA has your back. -
An Agent’s Most Valuable Tool: Understanding, Building, and Delivering Your Value Proposition
Your value proposition explains the unique benefits a customer gets from choosing to work with a particular brand, vendor, or in your case, real estate agent. It’s what drives clients to work with you over any of your competitors.
Have the Hard Talk: Tips for Fierce Conversations
Fierce conversations involve determining what the heart of the issue is, why it is significant, as well as figuring out how to resolve it. They are essential for healthy relationships and communication in the workplace and personal lives.