Revamp Your Online Presence
Most real estate agents use the internet to boost their business. Whether they’re marketing their brand via a website or prospecting for leads through DMs on their social media channels, a strong online presence can attract clients and build a sales pipeline.
More is More: Win with an Abundance Mindset
Living with an abundance mentality instead of a scarcity mentality helps us accomplish what matters to us. We can develop an abundance mentality by being purposeful. -
Your Fall and Winter Database Plan
Just like there are seasons of the year, there are seasons in real estate. But, unlike nature, there are only three real estate seasons: fall, winter, and a combined spring/summer. While spring and summer typically see an explosion of real estate transactions, things tend to be a bit slower in the cooler months. Each of these seasons has its opportunities and challenges, but one thing is always constant in real estate. That’s your database, and how important it is to keep it in tip-top-shape. -
Not Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus: How to Ask for Someone's Time
There are many moments in our careers when we seek the help of someone we look up to. Perhaps they are in a room we want to enter, or are part of the bigger pond we have just hopped into. Even though it can be feel scary to approach someone we admire and ask for their time, making sure we have the correct ingredients to throw in the proposition potion can make all the difference. -
Real Estate Fundamentals — How to Choose a Brokerage
Every agent is different and will weigh what brokerages offer differently. No matter what you as an agent are looking for or whether you’re consulting with an agent to help them, here are some things of importance when considering brokerages. -
Know the Market, Prepare for Opportunity
These are some of our top takeaways from the Vision Speech at Keller Williams’ Family Reunion 2024.
Have the Hard Talk: Tips for Fierce Conversations
Fierce conversations involve determining what the heart of the issue is, why it is significant, as well as figuring out how to resolve it. They are essential for healthy relationships and communication in the workplace and personal lives.
Team Player or Lone Ranger? The Decision is Yours
One of the biggest decisions a real estate agent makes about their career is whether they want to work as a solo agent or be a member of a team. -
Learn How to Learn: Create Your 2024 Training Calendar
Whether you’re a rookie real estate agent or a veteran in the business, consistently learning and continuing your education should be a top priority if you want to build a successful career and a fulfilling life. -
A Growth Mindset Will Change Your Life
Many of us get down when we face the difficulties of learning new skills or mastering old ones. We blame the rapidly evolving technology environment, or job competition, or lagging memories for our failings. But we don’t need to. All we need to do is adopt a growth mindset and we can learn and grow throughout our lives.
When the Market Shifts, Get Stoic
Gary Keller’s real estate license was only a month old when the 1979 oil crisis finally reached its pinnacle. He made it through the discouraging time by studying the basics of real estate sales and committing to effective habits.
Understand the Path of Money
The Path of Money model exists because Gary realized no one had ever laid out the different choices and opportunities that a financially savvy person encounters. What kind of cash flow they have, what the investment choices are, and ultimately the financial returns gained from these variables were never quite mapped out.
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