Your Fall and Winter Database Plan
Just like there are seasons of the year, there are seasons in real estate. But, unlike nature, there are only three real estate seasons: fall, winter, and a combined spring/summer. While spring and summer typically see an explosion of real estate transactions, things tend to be a bit slower in the cooler months. Each of these seasons has its opportunities and challenges, but one thing is always constant in real estate. That’s your database, and how important it is to keep it in tip-top-shape. -
Be an Anchor, Finish the Year Strong
As the final quarter of the year approaches, it’s the perfect time to buckle down on our objectives and focus on ending the year strong. This is the time to determine our new goals so we can begin exciting new adventures next year successfully. -
Gain Peace and Better Relationships with Mel Robbins’ 'Let Them' Theory
By shifting your mindset and using the Let Them Theory, you will be able to focus on the choices you make and how they affect your life. -
Build the Perfect Winter Bunker
It can be tough to feel productive during the winter months. Luckily, there are things we can do to stop the oh-so-cruel weather outside from freezing our chances of success.
Finding Your Big Why
A Big Why powers your daily routine. It motivates you to do the activities and hard work that lead to results. A Big Why gives you purpose, a mission, or a need that in turn gives you focus.
Need An EA? Hire A Leader
Chaos wrangler. Systems creator. Culture booster. Time bender. Trust keeper. Executive Assistant. If you’ve experienced a great Executive Assistant (EA), or are lucky enough to be in partnership with one, you know the incredible value this role can bring to you and your business. -
The Monotony of Success
In order to see our habits through, we need to view them less as goals to be accomplished in one grand, fell swoop, and more as what they are: essential building blocks that combine to make us who we are. -
Six Steps To Staying In Touch Using Handwritten Notes
We bet that when you reach out to your database, you’re likely using email, social media, and text messaging to stay in touch. And it’s easy to understand why—these methods are mostly free, fast, and waste no ink. But are these approaches having the impact you need? -
Think Better With Edward de Bono’s SIX THINKING HATS
Transforming our mindset around meetings can be as simple as putting on a different hat. Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats makes just this argument. The Six Thinking Hats are directions that we can channel our thinking into when approaching a situation. -
Best Year Ever: Think Ahead With Time Blocking
For 2023, let’s make a commitment to take a purposeful approach to conquer our to-dos and achieve our biggest goals. We’ve already discussed how to build our plan and create our success-list, and now we’re going to show you how to put those tools into action with a final skill: mastering the time block. -
Best Year Ever: Reach Your Goals With The 411
The 411 is a productivity tool that helps us organize and visualize our priorities for the week, month, and year ahead. It represents 4 weeks, 1 month, and 1 year of goals. Using the 411 for both your work and personal life can allow you to break down your biggest goals into bigger, achievable things.
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