Best Year Ever: Think Big With the GPS
It’s the new year and it’s time to move from inspiration to perspiration—to start taking the actions we need to move toward the outcomes we want. It’s time reach for your goals.
Best Year Ever: Goal Setting to the Now
It’s officially 2025, which means it’s time to start setting our sights on the year ahead. What do we want to accomplish in the new year? What do we want to get done before this current year is over? We think of New Year’s resolutions and big changes on the horizon.
How to Be a Champion of Circumstance
Consistency is critical for success, but in the face of rapid change it’s important to learn how to move forward when your environment is anything but consistent. Resisting change can cause you to waste time and resources on priorities that aren’t relevant. and It can also damage your health and relationships in the process. Instead of seeing change as the enemy, see it as an opportunity to flex your resiliency and agility muscles. -
Be an Anchor, Finish the Year Strong
As the final quarter of the year approaches, it’s the perfect time to buckle down on our objectives and focus on ending the year strong. This is the time to determine our new goals so we can begin exciting new adventures next year successfully. -
Think ONE Thing: How to Manage Change (Part 2)
In this newsletter, we’re going to dig into how to overcome change fatigue with the ONE Thing. Because everything is probably going to keep on happening and the only way to make it through it to narrow our focus and push ourselves forward with the power of momentum, one day and ONE Thing at a time.
Real Estate Fundamentals — How to Choose a Brokerage
Every agent is different and will weigh what brokerages offer differently. No matter what you as an agent are looking for or whether you’re consulting with an agent to help them, here are some things of importance when considering brokerages. -
KellerINK Summer Book Rec: 10x Is Easier than 2x
In 10x Is Easier than 2X: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less, authors Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy try to zero in on how achieve remarkable growth by setting goals that essentially force us to break our brains. -
Learning To Be Resilient – Part Two
In our last blog post, we talked about resilience—what it is and how it works. While many people are apt to believe that resilience is a trait—something unquantifiable and inherent—the truth is psychological resilience is a skill you can acquire, hone, and keep. -
For The Love Of Real Estate
If you’re thinking of becoming an agent or are an agent who would like to recruit others to their team or brokerage, we want to share seven reasons why real estate is a great career opportunity unlike any other. -
Learning Without Limits: Gary Keller's Reading Model
For Gary, and for anyone who hopes to break through their achievement ceilings, reading is a way to find the models that propel you. Books can be tools that help you get into the right mindset, discover new methods, and ultimately build models for life, business, and everything in between. -
The Monotony of Success
In order to see our habits through, we need to view them less as goals to be accomplished in one grand, fell swoop, and more as what they are: essential building blocks that combine to make us who we are. -
Know Your Lead Gen ROI To Thrive In Any Market
Lead generation is the base of every real estate business, no matter the market. So, tracking the results of your lead generation different activities will show you which approach is key to unlocking growth. The best way to know how successful your lead generation activities are is by determining their profitability, or their return on investment (ROI).
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