by Kathryn Cardin
September 16, 2024
As the final quarter of the year approaches, it’s the perfect time to buckle down on our objectives and focus on ending the year strong. This is the time to determine our new goals so we can begin exciting new adventures next year successfully.
Posted in
2024 ,
accountability ,
achievement ,
action ,
Calendar ,
discipline ,
endurance ,
focus ,
goal ,
goal setting ,
goals ,
growth ,
habits ,
health ,
improvement ,
mental health ,
mindset ,
motivation ,
personal development ,
personal growth ,
planning ,
priorities ,
productivity ,
resilience ,
self management
by Kathryn Cardin
June 24, 2024
By shifting your mindset and using the Let Them Theory, you will be able to focus on the choices you make and how they affect your life.
Posted in
accountability ,
action ,
author ,
change ,
decisions ,
dreams ,
freedom ,
fulfillment ,
goals ,
growth ,
growth mindset ,
habits ,
happiness ,
happy ,
health ,
honesty ,
impact ,
improvement ,
intelligence ,
learning ,
listen ,
living ,
Mel Robbins ,
passion ,
people ,
people skills ,
perception ,
personal development ,
personal growth ,
personality ,
perspective ,
podcast ,
priorities ,
productivity ,
relationship ,
relationship management ,
resilience ,
responsibility ,
saying no ,
social skills ,
success ,
thinking ,
tools ,
transformation ,
by Morgan O'Hanlon
October 16, 2023
If you’re a rookie agent taking the plunge into a new career, it can probably feel like you’re stumbling in the dark toward success.
Posted in
accountability ,
agents ,
balance ,
business ,
database ,
discipline ,
habits ,
lead generation ,
leads ,
learning ,
listings ,
market ,
money ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
realtors ,
rookie agents ,
sales ,
success ,
the millionaire real estate agent
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