Revamp Your Online Presence
Most real estate agents use the internet to boost their business. Whether they’re marketing their brand via a website or prospecting for leads through DMs on their social media channels, a strong online presence can attract clients and build a sales pipeline.
Enhance Your Spiritual Life by Giving
When our spiritual lives feel fulfilled, it influences over how we tackle the problems within the other areas of our life. That’s because our spiritual lives are tied to way we think and perceive the world. Spiritual fulfillment can mean the difference between seeing a mistake as a steppingstone for a grand scheme or a mortal flaw — the difference between feeling powerless and taking accountability. -
Not Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus: How to Ask for Someone's Time
There are many moments in our careers when we seek the help of someone we look up to. Perhaps they are in a room we want to enter, or are part of the bigger pond we have just hopped into. Even though it can be feel scary to approach someone we admire and ask for their time, making sure we have the correct ingredients to throw in the proposition potion can make all the difference. -
Learning To Be Resilient — Part 1
Life isn’t always like a box of chocolates. It’s more like turning the millstone. We’re constantly grinding, battling uphill, getting bitter and burned out all to have a chance at fulfilling our purpose. No matter what you do, your path ahead is going to involve some type of grind, and if you want to succeed at the highest level, you’ll need to become resilient.
Six Steps To Staying In Touch Using Handwritten Notes
We bet that when you reach out to your database, you’re likely using email, social media, and text messaging to stay in touch. And it’s easy to understand why—these methods are mostly free, fast, and waste no ink. But are these approaches having the impact you need? -
Three Steps To Living Out Your Values With Brené Brown
In Dare To Lead, acclaimed researcher Brené Brown investigates how leaders address issues with integrity and courage. She found that they do this by identifying their values and living a life that puts those values front and center.