KellerINK's Top Takeaways from Family Reunion 2025
KellerINK spent a week at Family Reunion listening, learning, and being inspired by top agents and industry professionals. You might have met our team at the KellerINK booth, where we were able to interview some seriously impressive agents, have book signings with our incredible authors, give away some prizes, and talk with attendees about all things real estate, mindset, and books!
Best Year Ever: Think Big With the GPS
It’s the new year and it’s time to move from inspiration to perspiration—to start taking the actions we need to move toward the outcomes we want. It’s time reach for your goals.
Enhance Your Spiritual Life by Giving
When our spiritual lives feel fulfilled, it influences over how we tackle the problems within the other areas of our life. That’s because our spiritual lives are tied to way we think and perceive the world. Spiritual fulfillment can mean the difference between seeing a mistake as a steppingstone for a grand scheme or a mortal flaw — the difference between feeling powerless and taking accountability. -
Finding Your Big Why
A Big Why powers your daily routine. It motivates you to do the activities and hard work that lead to results. A Big Why gives you purpose, a mission, or a need that in turn gives you focus.