por KellerINK Staff
23 de septiembre de 2024
Despite wanting extraordinary results, it turns out that as adults, we’re often afraid that leading a big life and experiencing new things will bring unwelcome complications or hurdles. So instead of embracing the opportunity for success, we avoid or sabotage it altogether.
Publicado en
achievement ,
action ,
behavior ,
comfort zone ,
community ,
curiosity ,
Edward de Bono ,
friends ,
goals ,
growth ,
learn ,
mindset ,
people ,
personal development ,
personal growth ,
perspective ,
The One Thing ,
por Kathryn Cardin
16 de julio de 2024
Being adaptable benefits us in all areas of our lives: relationships, careers, our physical and mental health, and more.
Publicado en
action ,
adaptability ,
behavior ,
capabilities ,
change ,
comfort zone ,
communication ,
habits ,
happiness ,
improvement ,
knowledge ,
learn ,
learning ,
mindset ,
narrative ,
people ,
personal development ,
personal growth ,
perspective ,
psychology ,
reason ,
reflect ,
relationship management ,
resilience ,
resilient ,
self awarencess ,
skills ,
social and emotional learning ,
social skills ,
thinking ,
understanding ,
por Morgan O'Hanlon
15 de abril de 2024
How do you identify people who are ready to do business today and those who may need some extra attention before they’re ready to commit? That’s where LPMAMA has your back.
Publicado en
agent ,
agents ,
business ,
buyer ,
buyers ,
client ,
clients ,
comfort zone ,
communication ,
connect ,
connections ,
conversation ,
conversation framework ,
home ,
home buyer ,
home sales ,
homebuyer ,
homeowner ,
homeowners ,
homeownership ,
homes ,
house ,
housing ,
interviews ,
knowledge ,
mortgage ,
open house ,
open houses ,
people ,
people skills ,
personalization ,
pricing ,
profile ,
questions ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
sell ,
seller ,
sellers ,
selling ,
service ,
social skills
por Morgan O'Hanlon
17 de marzo de 2024
Nearly a quarter of the way into 2024, some of us have probably long forgotten about the New Year’s Resolutions we committed ourselves to on January 1. It’s okay if you’ve strayed from the path of success.
Publicado en
achievement ,
action ,
capabilities ,
comfort zone ,
decisions ,
failure ,
fear ,
focus ,
goal ,
goals ,
growth ,
growth mindset ,
imporvement ,
learn ,
mind ,
mindset ,
motivation ,
por Kathryn Cardin
19 de diciembre de 2023
As real estate agents, and salespeople in general, it’s essential to tap into clients’ motivations so that you can help them take the right actions.
Publicado en
achievement ,
action ,
agent ,
agents ,
agreement ,
business ,
business relationship ,
buyer ,
buyers ,
capabilities ,
client ,
clients ,
comfort zone ,
decisions ,
first-time home buyer ,
fulfillment ,
goals ,
growth ,
home ,
home buyer ,
home improvement ,
home renovation ,
homebuyer ,
homeowner ,
impact ,
influence ,
Mega Agent Camp ,
motivation ,
motive ,
puchase ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
reason ,
relationship ,
sales ,
satisfy ,
sell ,
seller ,
sellers ,
Utiliza las flechas izquierda/derecha para navegar por la presentación o deslízate hacia la izquierda/derecha si usas un dispositivo móvil