3 Benefits of Belonging to a Big Pond
Despite wanting extraordinary results, it turns out that as adults, we’re often afraid that leading a big life and experiencing new things will bring unwelcome complications or hurdles. So instead of embracing the opportunity for success, we avoid or sabotage it altogether. -
A Growth Mindset Will Change Your Life
Many of us get down when we face the difficulties of learning new skills or mastering old ones. We blame the rapidly evolving technology environment, or job competition, or lagging memories for our failings. But we don’t need to. All we need to do is adopt a growth mindset and we can learn and grow throughout our lives.
Get Purposeful With Models
Models are all about providing a framework of best practices that are proven to get us from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible. Systems are the methods we use to set those models in motion. Unless you are truly venturing into undiscovered territory chances are there’s a best practice for what you’re trying to accomplish. -
Learning Without Limits: Gary Keller's Reading Model
For Gary, and for anyone who hopes to break through their achievement ceilings, reading is a way to find the models that propel you. Books can be tools that help you get into the right mindset, discover new methods, and ultimately build models for life, business, and everything in between. -
KellerINK’s 2023 Summer Reading List
Sure, summer doesn’t technically start until June 21, but after Memorial Day, it’s read-a-good-book-outside-season. So, we’re bringing you ten recommendations that tackle everything from living longer to running a lean startup to a tackling the hardships that come with having a speech impediment.
Reach Success By Allowing Yourself To Fail
We’ve all failed at some point. And even if we haven’t truly “failed” recently, there’s an even greater chance that we’ve squandered an important opportunity to grow.