Book It: CEO Summit and Family Reunion 2025 Edition
When you’re packing for Vegas, don’t forget to load up your e-reader or grab these paperbacks so you can make the most of the remarkable speakers at CEO Summit and Family Reunion. These titles provide the opportunity to go deeper with some life-changing ideas. Each book has strategies and takeaways that could transform your life and business.
KellerINK Summer 2024 Recommended Reads
If one of your goals was to read more this year, or if you haven’t found a good new book to embark on lately, these titles should be added to your “to be read” shelf. -
KellerINK Summer Book Rec: 10x Is Easier than 2x
In 10x Is Easier than 2X: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less, authors Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy try to zero in on how achieve remarkable growth by setting goals that essentially force us to break our brains. -
Learn How to Learn: Create Your 2024 Training Calendar
Whether you’re a rookie real estate agent or a veteran in the business, consistently learning and continuing your education should be a top priority if you want to build a successful career and a fulfilling life. -
When the Market Shifts, Get Stoic
Gary Keller’s real estate license was only a month old when the 1979 oil crisis finally reached its pinnacle. He made it through the discouraging time by studying the basics of real estate sales and committing to effective habits.
Learning Without Limits: Gary Keller's Reading Model
For Gary, and for anyone who hopes to break through their achievement ceilings, reading is a way to find the models that propel you. Books can be tools that help you get into the right mindset, discover new methods, and ultimately build models for life, business, and everything in between. -
KellerINK’s 2023 Summer Reading List
Sure, summer doesn’t technically start until June 21, but after Memorial Day, it’s read-a-good-book-outside-season. So, we’re bringing you ten recommendations that tackle everything from living longer to running a lean startup to a tackling the hardships that come with having a speech impediment.
Jay Papasan’s Best Books Of 2022
We recently caught up with KellerINK author Jay Papasan to discuss some of the best books that he’s read in the past year. He shared a variety of titles, some representing innovative new business books that focus on strategic thinking. Others are books related to building wealth or thinking about investments. Still others are deep-dives into how we make decisions and discover meaning in our lives.
4 Reasons Why Your Facebook Friends Aren't As Happy As They Seem
Social media has a huge impact on our society. It’s changed the way we share information, communicate, and make connections. Social media use has become so prominent that it’s inspired a number of psychological studies into how and why people use it.
KellerINK’s Summer Reading List
At KellerINK we love a good book (we write them, too!). Summer is coming, and there’s no better time to catch up on some reading that will help you build a better business, manage your finances, create a healthy lifestyle, and inspire you to achieve your dreams. We’ve put together a list of some timeless classics and exciting new releases, perfect reading material for the beach or your next business trip.