por April Murphy
7 de octubre de 2024
On September 18, the Federal Reserve moved to lower the cost of borrowing money by a half percentage point. This was a much larger drop than anticipated (most experts were predicting a quarter of a percentage point).
Publicado en
action ,
affordability ,
agent ,
budget ,
business ,
buyer ,
change ,
contracts ,
fiduciary ,
finance ,
financial goal ,
financing ,
first-time home buyer ,
homeownership ,
housing loan ,
lead generation ,
loan ,
loans ,
market shift ,
mortgage ,
mortgage points ,
mortgage rates ,
por Kathryn Cardin
20 de agosto de 2024
Another amazing Mega Agent Camp and CEO Summit is officially in the books. And with it came several insights that inspired us to think differently about our businesses and lives.
Publicado en
agent ,
agents ,
business ,
career ,
education ,
event ,
events ,
Gary Keller ,
industry ,
Jay Papasan ,
Keller Williams ,
Mega Agent Camp ,
por Carly Fox
23 de junio de 2024
To help you gain clarity during your interviews, remember the three Cs of the KPA Validation—conversation, connection, and compatibility.
Publicado en
assistant ,
business ,
career ,
career visioning ,
compatibility ,
connections ,
conversation ,
employees ,
employment ,
hire ,
hiring ,
leader ,
leaders ,
leadership ,
leverage ,
por April Murphy
4 de junio de 2024
June is National Homeownership Month, and it’s a good time to check in on the challenges and opportunities that buyers are dealing with.
Publicado en
agent ,
agents ,
business ,
buyer ,
buyers ,
first-time home buyer ,
home ,
home buyer ,
home prices ,
home sales ,
homebuyer ,
homeowner ,
homeowners ,
homeownership ,
homes ,
industry ,
Keller Willams Family Reunion 2024 ,
Keller Williams ,
listings ,
market ,
market shift ,
mortgage ,
mortgage rates ,
pricing ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
realtors ,
sales ,
seller ,
por Kathryn Cardin
21 de mayo de 2024
Every agent is different and will weigh what brokerages offer differently. No matter what you as an agent are looking for or whether you’re consulting with an agent to help them, here are some things of importance when considering brokerages.
Publicado en
agent ,
agents ,
broker ,
brokerages ,
business ,
career ,
career visioning ,
decisions ,
dreams ,
employment ,
entrepreneur ,
fulfillment ,
goal ,
goal setting ,
goals ,
opportunities ,
opportunity ,
people ,
personal development ,
personal growth ,
planning ,
questions ,
real eastate ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
realtors ,
recruit ,
recruitment ,
salary ,
strategy ,
vision ,
work ,
workplace ,
por Kathryn Cardin
7 de mayo de 2024
The challenge for all businesses is they must explain and demonstrate the value they give so well that people agree to their price before they experience it.
Publicado en
agent ,
agents ,
agreement ,
business ,
buyer ,
buyers ,
capabilities ,
career ,
checklist ,
client ,
clients ,
communication ,
expertise ,
fiduciary ,
home ,
home buyer ,
home sales ,
homebuyer ,
homeowner ,
homeowners ,
homeownership ,
honesty ,
industry ,
knowledge ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
realtors ,
resource ,
responsibility ,
seller ,
sellers ,
selling ,
service ,
skills ,
strategy ,
value ,
value proposition ,
por Morgan O'Hanlon
15 de abril de 2024
How do you identify people who are ready to do business today and those who may need some extra attention before they’re ready to commit? That’s where LPMAMA has your back.
Publicado en
agent ,
agents ,
business ,
buyer ,
buyers ,
client ,
clients ,
comfort zone ,
communication ,
connect ,
connections ,
conversation ,
conversation framework ,
home ,
home buyer ,
home sales ,
homebuyer ,
homeowner ,
homeowners ,
homeownership ,
homes ,
house ,
housing ,
interviews ,
knowledge ,
mortgage ,
open house ,
open houses ,
people ,
people skills ,
personalization ,
pricing ,
profile ,
questions ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
sell ,
seller ,
sellers ,
selling ,
service ,
social skills
por Kathryn Cardin
8 de abril de 2024
Your value proposition explains the unique benefits a customer gets from choosing to work with a particular brand, vendor, or in your case, real estate agent. It’s what drives clients to work with you over any of your competitors.
Publicado en
agent ,
agents ,
business ,
business relationship ,
client ,
clients ,
communication ,
compentency ,
competitors ,
connect ,
connections ,
knowledge ,
market ,
market shift ,
people skills ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
service ,
skills ,
value ,
value proposition
por Morgan O'Hanlon
1 de abril de 2024
The NAR settlement has brought widespread uncertainty about how agents will operate under the new rules. The truth is, we won’t be able to answer these questions for another few months. Now is the time to wait out the storm.
Publicado en
action ,
agent ,
agents ,
business ,
career ,
change ,
events ,
fear ,
Gary Keller ,
home ,
home sales ,
homes ,
industry ,
lead generation ,
market ,
mind ,
mindset ,
money ,
motivation ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
realtors ,
por Kathryn Cardin
25 de marzo de 2024
These are some of our top takeaways from the Vision Speech at Keller Williams’ Family Reunion 2024.
Publicado en
agent ,
agents ,
appreciation ,
business ,
buyer ,
buyers ,
client ,
clients ,
data ,
economy ,
gary keller ,
home ,
home buyer ,
home prices ,
home sales ,
home value ,
homebuyer ,
homeowner ,
homeowners ,
homes ,
house ,
housing ,
industry ,
inventory ,
Jay Papasan ,
Keller Willams Family Reunion 2024 ,
Keller Williams ,
market ,
market shift ,
mortgage ,
mortgage rates ,
mortgages ,
opportunities ,
opportunity ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
realtors ,
recession ,
sell ,
seller ,
sellers ,
selling ,
shift ,
por April Murphy
11 de marzo de 2024
Fierce conversations involve determining what the heart of the issue is, why it is significant, as well as figuring out how to resolve it. They are essential for healthy relationships and communication in the workplace and personal lives.
Publicado en
action ,
agreement ,
business ,
business relationship ,
change ,
communication ,
connect ,
conversation ,
courage ,
emotional intelligence ,
honesty ,
improvement ,
leader ,
leaders ,
leadership ,
learn ,
listen ,
opportunities ,
opportunity ,
relationship ,
solve ,
por Morgan O'Hanlon
26 de febrero de 2024
Being too competitive can hold you back from building a network of relationships that will exponentially increase the potential of your business.
Publicado en
achievement ,
action ,
agent ,
agents ,
allies ,
brokerages ,
business ,
business expansion ,
business relationship ,
capabilities ,
career ,
clients ,
co-listings ,
competition ,
competitors ,
goal ,
goals ,
growth ,
growth mindset ,
improvement ,
listings ,
market share ,
mindset ,
mindshare ,
motivation ,
open houses ,
real eastate ,
real estate agent ,
Utiliza las flechas izquierda/derecha para navegar por la presentación o deslízate hacia la izquierda/derecha si usas un dispositivo móvil