por April Murphy
30 de julio de 2024
In this newsletter, we’re going to dig into how to overcome change fatigue with the ONE Thing. Because everything is probably going to keep on happening and the only way to make it through it to narrow our focus and push ourselves forward with the power of momentum, one day and ONE Thing at a time.
Publicado en
action ,
adaptability ,
behavior ,
change ,
courage ,
focus ,
goal ,
goal setting ,
goals ,
growth ,
habits ,
improvement ,
mindset ,
personal development ,
personal growth ,
reflect ,
systems ,
The One Thing ,
thinking ,
time ,
time blocking ,
por Kathryn Cardin
16 de julio de 2024
Being adaptable benefits us in all areas of our lives: relationships, careers, our physical and mental health, and more.
Publicado en
action ,
adaptability ,
behavior ,
capabilities ,
change ,
comfort zone ,
communication ,
habits ,
happiness ,
improvement ,
knowledge ,
learn ,
learning ,
mindset ,
narrative ,
people ,
personal development ,
personal growth ,
perspective ,
psychology ,
reason ,
reflect ,
relationship management ,
resilience ,
resilient ,
self awarencess ,
skills ,
social and emotional learning ,
social skills ,
thinking ,
understanding ,
por Kathryn Cardin
24 de junio de 2024
By shifting your mindset and using the Let Them Theory, you will be able to focus on the choices you make and how they affect your life.
Publicado en
accountability ,
action ,
author ,
change ,
decisions ,
dreams ,
freedom ,
fulfillment ,
goals ,
growth ,
growth mindset ,
habits ,
happiness ,
happy ,
health ,
honesty ,
impact ,
improvement ,
intelligence ,
learning ,
listen ,
living ,
Mel Robbins ,
passion ,
people ,
people skills ,
perception ,
personal development ,
personal growth ,
personality ,
perspective ,
podcast ,
priorities ,
productivity ,
relationship ,
relationship management ,
resilience ,
responsibility ,
saying no ,
social skills ,
success ,
thinking ,
tools ,
transformation ,
por Morgan O'Hanlon
1 de abril de 2024
The NAR settlement has brought widespread uncertainty about how agents will operate under the new rules. The truth is, we won’t be able to answer these questions for another few months. Now is the time to wait out the storm.
Publicado en
action ,
agent ,
agents ,
business ,
career ,
change ,
events ,
fear ,
Gary Keller ,
home ,
home sales ,
homes ,
industry ,
lead generation ,
market ,
mind ,
mindset ,
money ,
motivation ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
realtors ,
por Morgan O'Hanlon
17 de marzo de 2024
Nearly a quarter of the way into 2024, some of us have probably long forgotten about the New Year’s Resolutions we committed ourselves to on January 1. It’s okay if you’ve strayed from the path of success.
Publicado en
achievement ,
action ,
capabilities ,
comfort zone ,
decisions ,
failure ,
fear ,
focus ,
goal ,
goals ,
growth ,
growth mindset ,
imporvement ,
learn ,
mind ,
mindset ,
motivation ,
por April Murphy
11 de marzo de 2024
Fierce conversations involve determining what the heart of the issue is, why it is significant, as well as figuring out how to resolve it. They are essential for healthy relationships and communication in the workplace and personal lives.
Publicado en
action ,
agreement ,
business ,
business relationship ,
change ,
communication ,
connect ,
conversation ,
courage ,
emotional intelligence ,
honesty ,
improvement ,
leader ,
leaders ,
leadership ,
learn ,
listen ,
opportunities ,
opportunity ,
relationship ,
solve ,
por Morgan O'Hanlon
26 de febrero de 2024
Being too competitive can hold you back from building a network of relationships that will exponentially increase the potential of your business.
Publicado en
achievement ,
action ,
agent ,
agents ,
allies ,
brokerages ,
business ,
business expansion ,
business relationship ,
capabilities ,
career ,
clients ,
co-listings ,
competition ,
competitors ,
goal ,
goals ,
growth ,
growth mindset ,
improvement ,
listings ,
market share ,
mindset ,
mindshare ,
motivation ,
open houses ,
real eastate ,
real estate agent ,
por Kathryn Cardin
5 de febrero de 2024
One of the biggest decisions a real estate agent makes about their career is whether they want to work as a solo agent or be a member of a team.
Publicado en
action ,
agent ,
agents ,
business ,
career ,
criteria ,
decisions ,
employment ,
expertise ,
goal ,
hiring ,
opportunity ,
partnership ,
passion ,
personalization ,
solo agents ,
por Morgan O'Hanlon
8 de enero de 2024
Whether you’re a rookie real estate agent or a veteran in the business, consistently learning and continuing your education should be a top priority if you want to build a successful career and a fulfilling life.
Publicado en
2024 ,
achievement ,
action ,
business ,
Calendar ,
capabilities ,
career ,
career visioning ,
class ,
compentency ,
discipline ,
employment ,
events ,
goals ,
growth ,
improvement ,
invest ,
knowledge ,
learn ,
learning ,
mindset ,
motivation ,
opportunity ,
personal development ,
personal growth ,
podcast ,
podcasts ,
priorities ,
reading ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
resource ,
success ,
videos ,
por Morgan O'Hanlon
3 de enero de 2024
A Big Why powers your daily routine. It motivates you to do the activities and hard work that lead to results. A Big Why gives you purpose, a mission, or a need that in turn gives you focus.
Publicado en
achievement ,
action ,
agent ,
agents ,
big why ,
capabilities ,
career ,
career visioning ,
discipline ,
finance ,
finances ,
financial goal ,
focus ,
fulfillment ,
Gary Keller ,
goal ,
growth ,
impact ,
income ,
Jay Papasan ,
money ,
passion ,
personal growth ,
priority ,
productivity ,
purpose ,
real estate ,
salary ,
savings ,
sell ,
success ,
the millionaire real estate agent ,
por Kathryn Cardin
19 de diciembre de 2023
As real estate agents, and salespeople in general, it’s essential to tap into clients’ motivations so that you can help them take the right actions.
Publicado en
achievement ,
action ,
agent ,
agents ,
agreement ,
business ,
business relationship ,
buyer ,
buyers ,
capabilities ,
client ,
clients ,
comfort zone ,
decisions ,
first-time home buyer ,
fulfillment ,
goals ,
growth ,
home ,
home buyer ,
home improvement ,
home renovation ,
homebuyer ,
homeowner ,
impact ,
influence ,
Mega Agent Camp ,
motivation ,
motive ,
puchase ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
reason ,
relationship ,
sales ,
satisfy ,
sell ,
seller ,
sellers ,
por Morgan O'Hanlon
11 de diciembre de 2023
You don’t have to be an industry veteran to get started with home staging. By following these five staging principles, you can make cost-effective and smart decisions to help your sellers maximize their market and get a high return on their sales investment.
Publicado en
action ,
agent ,
agents ,
business ,
career ,
cleaning ,
client ,
clients ,
company ,
criteria ,
declutter ,
design ,
display ,
environment ,
home ,
home buyer ,
home improvement ,
home renovation ,
homebuyer ,
homeowner ,
homeownership ,
homes ,
housing ,
improvement ,
interior design ,
inventory ,
listings ,
living ,
moving ,
online ,
open house ,
optimize ,
outdoor ,
outdoor space ,
perception ,
property ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
realtors ,
sell ,
seller ,
selling ,
spring cleaning ,
staging ,
strategy ,
transformation ,
Utiliza las flechas izquierda/derecha para navegar por la presentación o deslízate hacia la izquierda/derecha si usas un dispositivo móvil