KellerINK's Top Takeaways from Family Reunion 2025
KellerINK spent a week at Family Reunion listening, learning, and being inspired by top agents and industry professionals. You might have met our team at the KellerINK booth, where we were able to interview some seriously impressive agents, have book signings with our incredible authors, give away some prizes, and talk with attendees about all things real estate, mindset, and books!
Book It: CEO Summit and Family Reunion 2025 Edition
When you’re packing for Vegas, don’t forget to load up your e-reader or grab these paperbacks so you can make the most of the remarkable speakers at CEO Summit and Family Reunion. These titles provide the opportunity to go deeper with some life-changing ideas. Each book has strategies and takeaways that could transform your life and business.
Revamp Your Online Presence
Most real estate agents use the internet to boost their business. Whether they’re marketing their brand via a website or prospecting for leads through DMs on their social media channels, a strong online presence can attract clients and build a sales pipeline.
Best Year Ever: Reach Your Goals With the 411
The year 2025 has officially entered the chat. Starting a new year has a way of making us want to take a step back and look at our goals, priorities, and strategies—or GPS—for the months ahead.
Best Year Ever: Think Big With the GPS
It’s the new year and it’s time to move from inspiration to perspiration—to start taking the actions we need to move toward the outcomes we want. It’s time reach for your goals.
Best Year Ever: Goal Setting to the Now
It’s officially 2025, which means it’s time to start setting our sights on the year ahead. What do we want to accomplish in the new year? What do we want to get done before this current year is over? We think of New Year’s resolutions and big changes on the horizon.
Enhance Your Spiritual Life by Giving
When our spiritual lives feel fulfilled, it influences over how we tackle the problems within the other areas of our life. That’s because our spiritual lives are tied to way we think and perceive the world. Spiritual fulfillment can mean the difference between seeing a mistake as a steppingstone for a grand scheme or a mortal flaw — the difference between feeling powerless and taking accountability. -
Bookmarking Talent: How to Use Books to Recruit
Recruiting valuable people to your team can take significant time and effort. But if you hire the right people, the payoff is well worth it. Gary Keller says, “You are going to be overworked while you find that person to bring into your business. But you are going to be overworked forever if you don’t hire someone.” There are a few things you can do to help ease some of the intensity that comes with looking for leverage. And one happens to be a KellerINK specialty. -
More is More: Win with an Abundance Mindset
Living with an abundance mentality instead of a scarcity mentality helps us accomplish what matters to us. We can develop an abundance mentality by being purposeful. -
Go Ahead and Deck the Halls: Staging to Sell During the Holidays
You may wonder if holiday decor is a distraction when selling a home during the winter season. Turns out, it’s a welcome sight for buyers. According to a 2023 Research Study by the National Association of Realtors, 81 percent of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home. A warm, inviting, and tastefully decorated home will be just the present they want to unwrap. -
Your Fall and Winter Database Plan
Just like there are seasons of the year, there are seasons in real estate. But, unlike nature, there are only three real estate seasons: fall, winter, and a combined spring/summer. While spring and summer typically see an explosion of real estate transactions, things tend to be a bit slower in the cooler months. Each of these seasons has its opportunities and challenges, but one thing is always constant in real estate. That’s your database, and how important it is to keep it in tip-top-shape.
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