por April Murphy
4 de junio de 2024
June is National Homeownership Month, and it’s a good time to check in on the challenges and opportunities that buyers are dealing with.
Publicado en
agent ,
agents ,
business ,
buyer ,
buyers ,
first-time home buyer ,
home ,
home buyer ,
home prices ,
home sales ,
homebuyer ,
homeowner ,
homeowners ,
homeownership ,
homes ,
industry ,
Keller Willams Family Reunion 2024 ,
Keller Williams ,
listings ,
market ,
market shift ,
mortgage ,
mortgage rates ,
pricing ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
realtors ,
sales ,
seller ,
por Kathryn Cardin
7 de mayo de 2024
The challenge for all businesses is they must explain and demonstrate the value they give so well that people agree to their price before they experience it.
Publicado en
agent ,
agents ,
agreement ,
business ,
buyer ,
buyers ,
capabilities ,
career ,
checklist ,
client ,
clients ,
communication ,
expertise ,
fiduciary ,
home ,
home buyer ,
home sales ,
homebuyer ,
homeowner ,
homeowners ,
homeownership ,
honesty ,
industry ,
knowledge ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
realtors ,
resource ,
responsibility ,
seller ,
sellers ,
selling ,
service ,
skills ,
strategy ,
value ,
value proposition ,
por Morgan O'Hanlon
15 de abril de 2024
How do you identify people who are ready to do business today and those who may need some extra attention before they’re ready to commit? That’s where LPMAMA has your back.
Publicado en
agent ,
agents ,
business ,
buyer ,
buyers ,
client ,
clients ,
comfort zone ,
communication ,
connect ,
connections ,
conversation ,
conversation framework ,
home ,
home buyer ,
home sales ,
homebuyer ,
homeowner ,
homeowners ,
homeownership ,
homes ,
house ,
housing ,
interviews ,
knowledge ,
mortgage ,
open house ,
open houses ,
people ,
people skills ,
personalization ,
pricing ,
profile ,
questions ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
sell ,
seller ,
sellers ,
selling ,
service ,
social skills
por Morgan O'Hanlon
1 de abril de 2024
The NAR settlement has brought widespread uncertainty about how agents will operate under the new rules. The truth is, we won’t be able to answer these questions for another few months. Now is the time to wait out the storm.
Publicado en
action ,
agent ,
agents ,
business ,
career ,
change ,
events ,
fear ,
Gary Keller ,
home ,
home sales ,
homes ,
industry ,
lead generation ,
market ,
mind ,
mindset ,
money ,
motivation ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
realtors ,
por Kathryn Cardin
25 de marzo de 2024
These are some of our top takeaways from the Vision Speech at Keller Williams’ Family Reunion 2024.
Publicado en
agent ,
agents ,
appreciation ,
business ,
buyer ,
buyers ,
client ,
clients ,
data ,
economy ,
gary keller ,
home ,
home buyer ,
home prices ,
home sales ,
home value ,
homebuyer ,
homeowner ,
homeowners ,
homes ,
house ,
housing ,
industry ,
inventory ,
Jay Papasan ,
Keller Willams Family Reunion 2024 ,
Keller Williams ,
market ,
market shift ,
mortgage ,
mortgage rates ,
mortgages ,
opportunities ,
opportunity ,
real estate ,
real estate agent ,
realtors ,
recession ,
sell ,
seller ,
sellers ,
selling ,
shift ,
Utiliza las flechas izquierda/derecha para navegar por la presentación o deslízate hacia la izquierda/derecha si usas un dispositivo móvil