
KellerINK's Top Takeaways from Family Reunion 2025

KellerINK spent a week at Family Reunion listening, learning, and being inspired by top agents and industry professionals. You might have met our team at the KellerINK booth, where we were able to interview some seriously impressive agents, have book signings with our incredible authors, give away some prizes, and talk with attendees about all things real estate, mindset, and books! We left with an abundance of knowledge and action items. And, we want to share our top takeaways and wins with you.

1. “Don’t wait for the right time to buy real estate, buy real estate and give it time.” — Jay Papasan 

As anyone in production is probably aware, 2024 was the worst real estate market in twenty-nine years. But, it’s always the right time to buy the right property. Real estate is still an appreciating asset, so it will always give you a return on your investment if you give it time.

2. “Self-doubt kills more dreams than anything else.” — Jamie Kern Lima

Jamie Kern Lima spent much of her keynote speaking about self-doubt — what it has cost us and how to overcome it. Jamie essentially said that not even the market or the economy is as bad for our businesses as self-doubt. It sets our ceiling. She said that we don’t become what we want, “We become what we believe we are worthy of.” When we have resilience and belief during tough times, that’s our superpower. The key to getting rid of self-doubt and becoming worthy of our dreams is in unlearning the lies that we tell ourselves. (Sound familiar? We like to call those MythUnderstandings!)

 3. “Be courageous in the moment. You choose whether a problem is short-term or long-term by how you address it in the moment.” — Gary Keller

Gary says when a problem shows up in our lives, how we deal with it will determine whether it is a long-term or short-term issue. People tend to think problems either aren’t that big of a deal, or they will resolve themselves over time. But problems don’t simply get easier to solve when we don’t do anything about them. If we can be more courageous in the moment, it saves time and pain down the line.

 4. “Burnout is the curse of the strong.” — Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe

At CEO Summit, Dr. Robyne said only people who care deeply about what they are doing experience burnout. Those who don’t care don’t over-extend themselves. In other words, there is a cost to caring. The key to preventing burnout is in self-care. We do self-care consistently when we are in a good place. But can our habits carry us through the difficult times as well? Our habits make up our quality of life. It’s important to always take care of ourselves and pour into the things that really matter, even when we are feeling overwhelmed. It will bring us back to ourselves and help us avoid burnout.

5. Last but not least, our biggest win was meeting YOU at the KellerINK booth!

We had some seriously good conversations with all of you. Everyone was so excited about our upcoming book releases and projects. We are so grateful to our readers (and welcome to our new newsletter subscribers). Take a look at one of the lucky giveaway winners and their signed books below!


See you in future newsletters and don’t forget to keep your eyes on our social media accounts (@KellerINK) for any surprise announcements.


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