Get Purposeful With Models
Models are all about providing a framework of best practices that are proven to get us from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible. Systems are the methods we use to set those models in motion. Unless you are truly venturing into undiscovered territory chances are there’s a best practice for what you’re trying to accomplish. -
Learning to Be Resilient – Part Three
When the going gets tough, the tough get going is a popular phrase. But for the most successful people on the planet, the saying takes on a twist: “When the going gets tough, don’t go it alone.” -
Learning To Be Resilient – Part Two
In our last blog post, we talked about resilience—what it is and how it works. While many people are apt to believe that resilience is a trait—something unquantifiable and inherent—the truth is psychological resilience is a skill you can acquire, hone, and keep. -
For The Love Of Real Estate
If you’re thinking of becoming an agent or are an agent who would like to recruit others to their team or brokerage, we want to share seven reasons why real estate is a great career opportunity unlike any other. -
Learning To Be Resilient — Part 1
Life isn’t always like a box of chocolates. It’s more like turning the millstone. We’re constantly grinding, battling uphill, getting bitter and burned out all to have a chance at fulfilling our purpose. No matter what you do, your path ahead is going to involve some type of grind, and if you want to succeed at the highest level, you’ll need to become resilient.
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